EEVblog #904 – Hewlett Packard HP85 Professional Computer

1979, a screaming 613KHz clock, killer graphics, and it’s a Hewlett Packard, it doesn’t get much better than this! Dave powers up the the classic HP85 Scientific / Engineering Professional Personal Computer and has a play around. Forum HERE Teardown VIDEO Repair VIDEO User Manual Pocket Guide Documents: Collection Manuals …

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EEVblog #903 – HP85 Vintage Computer Teardown

1979, a screaming 613KHz clock, killer graphics, and it’s a Hewlett Packard, it doesn’t get much better than this! Inside the classic HP85 Scientific / Engineering Professional Personal Computer. Forum HERE Using it VIDEO Repair VIDEO Podcast: Download

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EEVblog #902 – Solar Roadways Route 66 BUSTED!

There has been a ton of media hype about paving the famous Route 66 with the Brusaw’s Solar Roadways. Too bad it’s all over hyped bullshit. Note, the last 5 minutes is repeat material. Forum HERE One of Tunderf00t’s videos HERE Podcast: Download

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EEVblog #901 – Raspberry Pi 3 Photoflash Problem

The Raspberry Pi 3 has the same Xenon photoflash reset problem as the RPi2 (albeit at a much reduced level) There is also a photoflash problem with the Broadcom BCM43438 WiFi & Bluetooth chipset. The internet connection will lockup when exposed to sufficient Xenon flash light. The flash problem explained …

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EEVblog #900 – STM32 ARM Development Board

Dave takes a look at the ST STM32 L1 series low power ARM chips, and gets a cheap STM32L152C development board up and running with the IAR Embedded workbench compiler and STLINK/V2 interface. Also a look at the STMcubeMX code initialisation application. 32L152CDISCOVERY Schematic & User Manual PIC32MX Forum HERE …

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EEVblog #899 – Extreme Mailbag

Extreme Mailbag! 2 minutes per mailbag item, can Dave do it? Forum HERE SPOILERS: Hobby Creek Pana Hand PCB Rax from BenchWerks SwissMicros HP Calculator replacements. Voyager landscape format scientific calcultors to replace the HP15C, HP16C, and HP41CX Equil EMF Radation protection device Bullshit Semikron IGBT hybrid VFD drivers bridge …

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EEVblog #898 – LCD Contrast Experiments

What is the difference between LCD viewing angle and bias angle? How does adjusting the LCD bias voltage effect the display? What is LCD Ghosting? Also a demonstration of Photoelastic Birefringence in polycarbonate plastic display covers. Dave investigates the Liquid Crystal Display viewing angle problem in the EEVblog BM235 Multimeter. …

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EEVblog #897 – Radiation Effects On Space Electronics

Dave talks with Karsten Becker from PT Scientists about radiation in space and it’s effect on electronics and the design challenges involved for space probes, satellites, and cubesats. The Van Allen belt and types of cosmic radiation. What are “radiation hardened” components? What are “Space Grade” components? Forum HERE

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EEVblog #896 – Space Electronics

Dave talks with Karsten Becker from PT Scientists about the electronics on board the Audi Quattro Lunar Rover, and space electronics in general. Radiation, thermal design, camera systems, power supplies and more. Forum HERE Podcast: Download

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EEVblog #895 – BEC Pro Model Airplane Regulator Testing

Dave tests the Castle Creations CC BEC Pro battery eliminator used in model airplanes to see if it meets is rated continuous current performance claims. Also a bit of a how-to on testing regulators like this, 4 terminal load sensing error reduction is demonstrated. Airflow and thermal camera measuremements are …

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EEVblog #893 – Mailbag

More Mailbag Monday Forum HERE SPOILERS: Infinity PV organic printed solar cells: Panasonic 840 JE-840U calculator teardown LED controller car computer thingo teardown Old school parallel port software protection dongle teardown World’s first logic IC! The Fairchild µL900 series, as used in the Apollo guidance computer. Dave is taken to …

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EEVblog #892 – Siglent SSA3021X Spectrum Analyser Teardown

A very detailed look inside the new Siglent SSA3021X 3.2GHz Spectrum Analyser. The entire RF section is broken down and analysed in depth with a block diagram overlay. Forum HERE Keysight AN150 App Note Datasheets: AM3352 mic5209 LMH6517 hmc307 HMC832 hmc976 hmc860 HMC284 hmc488 hmc716 VSWA2-63DR+ hmc703 hmc189a V600ME14-LF hmc860 …

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EEVblog #891 – Siglent SSA3021X vs Rigol DSA815 Spectrum Analyser

Dave compares the new Siglent SSA3021A 2.1GHz spectrum analyser with similar priced Rigol DSA815. Noise floor, clock and PLL phase noise and other performance aspects are measured and compared between the two models. Bugs?, yup, got those too! Forum: Podcast: Download

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