Twitter Reminder

Just a reminder and for those not aware, I have an EEVblog Twitter account (@EEVblog), and am now making more active use of it. So those who want to hear my random Tweets (blog related and random rants), click HERE

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EEVblog #76 – Publish And Be Damned!

Another drive-time rant. Dave cuts lose on people who email pointing out stuff he should have covered in the blog. Bottom line – don’t email, put it in the comments and let the community debate it! Podcast: DownloadPodcast (podcast2): Download

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EEVblog #75 – Digital Multimeter Buying Guide

Who else in the industry can give you 52 solid minutes of beginner advice on buying a multimeter? Dave of course!, who started out wanting to give some “quick” advice, but as usual Dave likes to rant… So you get a feature-by-feature breakdown on what makes a good digital multimeter. …

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EEVblog #74 – Video Blogging Tools

Another drive time rant about the tools I use for video blogging, video formats etc. No electronics content, so if you don’t like that then don’t watch. Podcast: DownloadPodcast (podcast2): Download

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EEVblog #73 – How to screw up your winning product

Another random drive-time rant. Dave rants about how dickhead marketing changes can screw up your winning product. The Tropicana Story: and and Podcast: DownloadPodcast (podcast2): Download

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EEVblog #72 – Let’s Design a Product

In this supersized lecture length episode, Dave foolishly attempts to explain how to design an example product (the uCurrent) from start to finish. Read the FULL ARTICLE. The uCurrent WEB PAGE Podcast: Download

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