EEVblog #147 – $12000 Smoke

What does $12000 magic smoke smell like? Murphy ensures that Dave always gets the outliers on the production bell curve for review! OFFICIAL RESPONSE FROM AGILENT AFTER INVESTIGATION: We have determined that a short on our LAN/VGA module is what caused the EEVblog unit to stop working. The short caused …

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EEVblog #142 – Electronics Magazine Memories

Join Dave as he opens a mystery box of magazines from his archives, in search of his old Talking Electronics FM Bugs book. What will he find?, will it be one of his own projects?, and what were Australian Electronics Magazines like back in the 70’s and 80’s? 100% pure …

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EEVblog #140 – Battery Capacity Tutorial

Ever wanted to know what battery capacity is? Dave takes you through everything you need to know about amp-hours, mAh, watt hours, internal or series resistance, temperature effects, battery cutoff voltages, and characteristic curves. Part 2 coming soon. Podcast: Download

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Server Move – Hang Tight

I’m moving the blog back to my old server. This could take a day or so to do and propagate through the DNS system. So please don’t post comments during this time as they will be lost. If the site goes down or otherwise acts strange, this is the reason. …

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Vote for Pedro, or Dave?

I’ve entered the iiNet Top Geek competition! Please vote here: No need to sign up, just click on the VOTE button! Thanks!

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