4 of the pins are used to identify the monitor, simply grounding a few of the appropriate ones will probably suffice in that it will tell your laptop that you have a very old standard VGA monitor. Refer to the Wikipedia article or google "VGA pinout DDC" for some ideas and details.
Well the thing is I don't have access to all the pins. I have access to 5 of them, due to my breakout cable having BNC connectors for R, G, B, VSync, and HSync signals. I would have assumed that this worked with an exotic monitor, which maybe didn't use all 15 pins, and therefore the internals of the cable would have grounded the appropriate pins. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case. Are the pins I need to ground one or more of the sync connectors? I was worried that shorting them to ground might damage the VGA chip in the computer. So I tried a 75-ohm resistor (I think video signals and sync signals expect a 75-ohm load) as a terminator for each of those pins (not all at once, but one at a time), and no effect. I'm kinda worried about shorting any of them to ground directly.