FLIR ONE Gen 3 Standard - LEPTON 2 80 x 60 pixels
FLIR ONE Gen 3 PRO - LEPTON 3 160 x 120 pixels
PRO therefore has four times (4X) the number of pixels as the Standard model
Gen 3There is currently no LEPTON available with 320 x 240 pixels. It hits its limit at 160 x 120 due to the silicon lens design and associated lens resolution.
FLIR use the MSX overlay to improve the context of the displayed image and counter the higher resolution of the Seek products. the SEEK products all suffer from higher noise levels in their images which does tend to counter their higher number of pixels. It is not just about the number of pixels, it is also about how you process the data coming from the ROIC. The FLIR One products images do suffer somewhat due to the silicon diffraction lens that is relatively low on resolution and high on distortion (13% at the corners).
Be aware that FLIR are past masters of marketing and often release headline specs that need a little 'analysis' to understand them. The much mentioned MSX only adds context to an image, it cannot actually increase the thermal resolution. I t is all about tricking the brain and marketing strategies
I know many examples of FLIR's marketing 'strategies' but they are privileged information. They do not 'lie' but sometimes the truth is quite well hidden or obscured. Often the spec is better than advertised but marketing play 'games' with the consumer.