is it a possibility in the future to be able to get higher FPS ? or is it the sensor that only can make 9 fps ?... just out of curiosity ..
The sensor is apparently capable of outputting raw 60 FPS data, but so far nobody has found out how to extract useful information from it.
It is blindingly obvious how to extract the 60fps stream - just needs a bit of work to implement it.
Anyone of you guys will try that ?
Sure. Right after I finish the other 43586534535 projects.
I suspect that you have bad luck that quite a few of us on here have quite a bit of motivation for high resolution, but a who-the-hell-cares attitude about fps. As in 9 fps is quite enough for all the stuff I do with it. PCBs and assorted other electronics tend to stay put and in focus, soooo...
I am more motivated to make a linux bootloader, and even
that is fairly low on the list.
You probably would have better luck with that on an RC helicopter forum or some such.
But then, who's going to put a $1k camera on a crashy copter.
Anyways, just watch Mike's video again to see how blindingly obvious the todo list is staring you in the face.