Been using my E4 for a few weeks. Even at 80x60 it's damned useful. So, fine, I finally went for the hack using a netbook running stock Linux Mint 16.
First, how the heck are you guys getting into the diagnostic screen? I tried all sorts of combinations of power on, hit one of (Left, Center, or Back), then hold down Play for 5-10 seconds, both before and after the splash screen disappears. Nothing. I'm really glad for because navigating to the versions screen and holding down Right for 10 sec worked great.
Anyhow, in the diagnostic screen, set USB Mode to RNDIS. Now plug in the computer. Mint will spend an unproductive few minutes trying to obtain DHCP from the camera and notifying you about it. Ignore it. Open Network Settings, click on the new Wired network (for me, it was the first item in the list), and configure it to be a static ipv4 with address Default /24 netmask is fine. No DNS, routes, or gateway needed. If your computer has multiple wired network interfaces, you might have to do some pluggging/unplugging to figure out which one is the RNDIS camera and which one is the physical port.
EDIT: You only need to set up the network once. From then on, if the camera is in RNDIS mode, Mint will automatically set it up when the camera appears. Plug and play.
Now ping If ping doesn't resolve, unplug the camera for a few seconds and plug it back in. This worked for me. No routing or arp commands needed. If you still can't get anything, check out the linux tricks mentioned in previous posts.
Now that ping can see the camera, you can fire up ftp, ssh, telnet, or whatever you want. All hail Mike.
Except now I'm a little stuck. I can't run FLIRInstallNet on Linux, can I? (ick, no VMs) How should I put my modified E8.cfg on the camera? Just FTP it into FlashFS/system/appcore.d/config.d?
I could also zip up a fif file but then how would I install it?
Random notes:
To compile the crc01 executable, 'apt-get install g++', cd to Mike's CRC01_source, and run "g++ *.cpp -o crc01"
Over telnet, "rset .image.flow.maps.combGainDeadMap.pixReplace false" to show dead pixels. Pass true to hide them again. Also "restartapp" will reboot the camera without breaking the telnet connection. If it looks like it's hung, don't worry. It'll come back.
For the record: E4 1.0, Software 1.19.8