OK, E4 hack is working well, but I need to fix this calibration step. What file do I edit to change the NUC values?
Manual Re-Cal(NUC): keep holding down "Playback"
@File: you can probably put it in any <additional config> file that you like <as long as it's getting loaded> - or just run the wanted commands via telnet before recording a vid.
If you're asking yourself about rset and how to ... -> use telnet and don't use any file as this will change the default settings after startup.
Indeed. I'd keep that bit of config non-permanent. Personally I'd use a telnet script. Or you can make a .FIF that executes those rset commands. That way before you start recording you do pointey clickey in FlirInstallNet, and apply that .FIF.
I guess I'm confused. Didn't these options come form an existing cfg file?
# turn off auto-nuc
rset .tcomp.services.autoNuc.active false
# turn on auto-nuc
rset .tcomp.services.autoNuc.active true
# trigger nuc
rset .image.services.nuc.commit true
I would rather make the settings permanent since I can always ftp a fixed file back into the cam if I don't want it off. Since I'll be doing a lot of video, it makes sense to have it off and only available when I push the play button.
Do you have a turnkey solution? I'm not experienced at this stuff. I'm very grateful for any help.