I have been looking at the 9 Hz image refresh rate and found the following stuff, looks like another dead end but maybe anyone else can find something.
In FlashFS\tmp\prod.log:
10 Preparation:All tasks reporting ready
11 Preparation:Image frequency 9
Using .image.flow.detector.TFpa to check tempstable
This is coming from ProdApp.exe:
0008F494 LDR R1, =aAllTasksReport ; "All tasks reporting ready"
0008F498 BL sub_Log
0008F49C LDR R1, =a_image_sysi_12 ; ".image.sysimg.basicImgData.distrData.imageFreq"
0008F4A0 ADD R2, SP, #0x64+var_60
0008F4A4 ADD R0, SP, #0x64+var_24
0008F4A8 BL sub_Getresource
0008F4AC LDR R2, [SP,#0x64+var_60]
0008F4B0 LDR R1, =aImageFrequency ; "Image frequency %d"
0008F4B4 MOV R0, R5
0008F4B8 BL sub_Log
which obviously reads the .image.sysimg.basicImgData.distrData.imageFreq resource:
>rls .image.sysimg.basicImgData.distrData.imageFreq
imageFreq 9
It's even writable:
>rset .image.sysimg.basicImgData.distrData.imageFreq 1
>rls .image.sysimg.basicImgData.distrData.imageFreq
imageFreq 1
Tried with one because that would be easier to notice than 30, but nothing changed and after a cold boot the 9 is in there again.
I could find one other reference to imageFreq, in appcore_dll.dll but this is just a const structure, so I have no idea where it is used and where it is written...