Fluke 101 has no current measuring capability - making it unacceptable as an electronics bench meter IMO.
Fluke 107 is like the Fluke 101 but with current
Just barely. The current resolution is still too poor to make it a worthwhile electronics meter IMO.
Yep, but most of you will have another meter which will measure microamps/microvolts if needed. Even a $5 meter will do that.
OTOH the 107 is fully CAT rated and is a tough little meter for general use*. I'd say it's a good addition to a bench/toolbox.
(*as shown in the "here kitty kitty thread" where it proved harder to kill than a Fluke 87V and high end Brymen).
But... yeah, it probably won't win the $100 meter shootout if you're only looking for a single meter to do everything.