You can buy a Fluke 27/FM for as low as $25 on ebay. I have bought one (for $35) recently it is spot on for Volts, Currents and resistances, except that it is 3200 count but the great advantage is Fluke 27/FM is true rms (the full grey one, sometimes misleadingly the yellow ones with charcoal front are also presented as True RMS by sellers). As pointed out by people in this thread earlier, VC99 is not true rms. You can buy a fluke 83 (I believe this one is not trms) for about $60-$70 if you find the right opportunity. Recently they have sold even a Fluke 87 for $48 (with some scratches on the lens but there are apparently products such as Novus 1 2 3 that I haven't tried myself yet, to polish the lens), a fluke 83 was sold for $38 a few days ago. Really, you need to watch and jump on the good opportunities. Yesterday a brand new Agilent U1272a was sold for $191, it costs $390 on amazon or more if you buy from an authorized dealer... May be people know something about it and can tell us. I don't know.
VC99 is also slow on voltage and other measurements I noticed, not only the continuity test. Or is it just mine???