Still hard to believe in todays world with web designers coming out of Uni a dime a dozen it has taken some of these companies this long to have a half decent website that allows users to see what they sell, track down which product is likely best for them and provide reasonable customer support....
In this case, Brymen seems sensible enough to focus on good content and layout and not to cater to the "let's update the site just because it's 20XX" crowd, who seem to think that sharp corners on buttons will poke peoples' eyes out, and JavaScript is mandatory, and each page must take up a grand total of over 900KB and require 1600000x1200000 resolution screens.
Huge thumbs up to Brymen from me. Their site looks slick and sharp, can be browsed with JavaScript disabled, each page loads quickly, and the images are wholly visible on my 1024x768 screen.
There are only a few things here I would change:
- Get rid of the "image words" on the menu. There are no UN sanctions or laws in any country I know of that are against text on web pages, and HTML does stand for Hyper-
Text Markup Language.
- Make the images scale up (use "%" sizing) to cater to those with higher or lower screen resolutions.
- Consider a sitemap so people who may have heard of a "Bryman BM169S" can find it easily without having to navigate the whole thing.
Pity about the fate of those senior products.