Thanks for that. By the way, how are you getting on with your VNA project?
(for context, hendorog is talking about my open hardware VNA:
The VNA works from 500 MHz to 3.5 GHz with about +/- .5 dB of accuracy, 40 dB or so of dynamic range, and a dozen points per second. I'm waiting on the next revision of some boards to push the maximum frequency up to 6 GHz and improve the accuracy and dynamic range.
The current topology relies on a broadband I/Q demodulator with an output that goes down to DC (an ADL5380), and I don't know of any of those above 6 GHz. I haven't decided how I'm going to push it past that, but I'll probably end up ditching the I/Q downconverer and doing that in software like Henrik Forstén's VNA. I'm playing with the AD9864 to handle the sampling and downconversion with a BeagleBone PRU for high speed IO. The LTC5548 mixer/doubler could enable operation up to 14 GHz off my existing synthesizer, I'm waiting on a test board for that.
I wouldn't recommend that anyone reproduce what I'm doing yet, Henrik Forstén's VNA is a better option for a DIY VNA at this point. When I'm done I hope to have something an order of magnitude slower, less accurate, and cheaper than a commercial VNA.