With 100% amplitude modulation, the output voltage level on modulation peaks is twice the unmodulated level.
The UTG900 generators are specified to provide up to 10Vp-p into a 50 ohm load.
So to achieve this , the unmodulated carrier level needs to be reduced to 5Vp-p. (6dB drop).
This is mentioned in the UTG900 series User Manual near the top of page 16 on the copy that I have.
Yeah. Sorry. I got hold of the wrong end of the stick

I was refering to the sidebands as seen on a spectrum analyzer, but of course, if you look on the voltage envelope on a scope, then the 100% AM p-p waveform will be twice that of the unmodulated carrier.
With a dedicated RF generator, like my Marconi 2024 which has a maximum RF output of +13dBm, the output will drop to +7dBm if AM modulation is turned on. But this only applies to signals over +7dBm. At signal levels below this, the display on the generator & the output on the analzer remain the same.
The problem with the UTG962E is that the output is reduced for
all output levels, whether they are near to maximum or not. OK, I can live with that, but the amplitude reading on the front panel should reflect this reduced level. You shouldn't have to remember to take 6dB off the reading when switching on AM.