Noticed few issues with UTG962E. Setup - channel 1 terminated in 50 ohm, SYNC unterminated, triggering on SYNC.
Max SYNC output frequency is only 2MHz (could not reach higher with my setup). If channel frequency is >2MHz or modulated, then SYNC frequency drops drastically.
Channel 1 phase of sine wave is not stable w.r.t. SYNC output depending on frequency. Phase is stable only for "nice" frequencies 2MHz, 5MHz, 8MHz, 16MHz, 20Mhz, 25Mhz, 32Mhz, 40MHz, 50Mhz (plus some others at 2/5MHz multiples). Even 1Hz deviation from these frequencies results in either smeared phase or several quantized phases. For example, 24/30/48/60MHz shows three different phases, 55 MHz show 11 phases. Small frequency change from offset results in smeared view. This effect is for all frequency range.
FM modulation results in a drift w.r.t. SYNC output depending on FM frequency and deviation settings.