Ok Guys, I guess I didn't say it right. 4024 vs 3024A.
Be easy now, it's been a long time. :-) And I'm just trying to get this straight. Buy once and forget it.
I read somewhere that there's 30% error 1:1, but if you
divide the f by 3 it drops to 5% and divide by 5 will drop error to 3%.
Meaning, a 500MHz scope analyzing a 100MHz sig would roughly have 3% error?
I assume a 2GHz sample rate is adequate or would I want 4 or 5 GHz samples?
I read that I want a scope that can do at least the 5th harmonic.
That means that a 200MHz scope will accurately test a 40MHz signal, at 3%
My old Tek back in electronics was I believe 100MHz analog 4ch.
1. Why is the Agilent better? Or Not? From the price, they sure think it is better.
2. The Rygol has most of the same options for a lot less $
3. The Rygol won't have a new 4K series out till this fall that fills their void of MSO (+digital)
4. Silly, I want hi def graphics with quality shading. Not Cheezy. Want that ultra fine resolution. Be fun to see the video of the WAV file making graphics on this unit.
5. I want a fast, stable, accurate scope
6. I want good decoders for I2C for AVR/PIC, SIC think this one is for Morotolla?, RS232, etc. Don't know what you use the audio decode for.
7. I want the memory depth and the acquisition speed.
8. I want the VGA and LAN options
9. I want the case and front cover
10. Do I want to buy the advanced math functions? What will those do for me?
11. I want the option to add digital channels to the unit for some crazy UART or other logic project.
12. Also want to do some USB work
13. Also want to analyze some etherrnet streams and determine is the data dirty? Do I have a cable problem? etc...
14 Would be handy to see and tune/fix some tuned circuits in old rf transceivers
15. What memory depth is good enough?
16. Is segmented memory a requirement?
I would rather spend $5K on Rigol if its that good over 8K on Agilent. I remember from one of Dave's blogs that he was raving on the Agilent being better than the DS2000 series. But you actually get more screen real estate on the Rigol as the Agilent menus don't go away. I am not crazy about the pastel color choice including Pink on the Rigol.
If it's the Rigol, I have to get the MHz and many options up front.
Why do I want a scope like this? Quality? Because we were limed with the ones I started out with utter crap and don't want to get sinking feeling again as I made the wrong decision. And the 4024 does NOT have a logic plug, DSO only. That Rigol MSO scope isn't planned till this fall.
What am I going to use it for? A/D circuits, timers, oscillators, power supplies, measurements, home brew design and experimentation. visual interaction with w/e I am attempting to burn up at the moment. RF amplifiers, receivers, transmitters, PLL VFO's, TDR measurements. power computations, watching how what my code from the computer is controlling this device I have created, bit bumping, visualization data/signals between different modules. Will this be pulses? Will this be protocols? I don't know yet because I haven't finished buying all of this stuff again. Heck, even my SWR meter is a Rig Expert AA-1000. Want to be working on something and not come to that point where if only I had bought X or Y, than I could measure this. I am focusing on the big ticket items to get my bench going so I can start re-learning, experimenting, and building. Then I'm walking into Electronics Supply and buying stock in multiples of the most used components I used to have on the shelf. I have the hako 926 and some other solder equipment. I want to build that next DTE/DCE gadget and test it till it works. I want to design my circuits with Proteus or the like and not only test them on screen, but be able to test them on the bench as well. I also hear you can do quite a lot with micro controllers now. Going to put some time in on that as well.
Going to couple this with a DVOM, signal generator, and spectrum analyzer... These with a few meters, a few more tools, and some component stock along with several electronics books and library items and a great selection of components should get started.
Anyway, overkill. N00bie? Definitely. Use it or lose it, and in the last 25+ years, I'm drawing a blank. Oh, and get this set up before I move to yet the next job. You don't get the luxury of hanging out in one area for may years in the DOD environment.
Did I leave out anything? Dave & others, please assist with the best scope in the $5-6K range so I don't have to upgrade this thing every couple of years and lose a bunch of $$$...
All comments, criticisms, and good ole objective information is greatly appreciated.
Scott - n0nuf