Many or most do not extend past about 20 kHz no matter what sample rate they support and none go to DC. Here is an old review of some suitable sound cards:
Although not cheap at all, Metric Halo's ULN-8 is DC coupled. The problem is, you are paying for a lot of functionality you don't need. Other professional audio interfaces (Peecee "cards" do not usually belong in that cathegory) can be suitable as well, and as far as I know most of the professional units can get useful signals to Nyquist/2. A friend who was working with 30 KHz ultrasounds used a quite cheap M-Audio interface and it indeed produced good quality signals.
The pro manufacturers (pardon me if I omit some) are Metric Halo (expensive), RME (expensive), MOTU (affordable to expensive), M-Audio (affordable), Edirol (affordable), Tascam (affordable to expensive). I don't know which of them are DC coupled, though. I know (the designer told us) that the ULN-8 and LIO-8 from MH are DC coupled.
And regarding measurement software, Metric Halo sells a very good audio measurement software called SpectraFoo. It's designed mostly for sound engineers (both live and studio applications) and apart from a good spectrum analysis it can do distortion measurements and plenty other things.
A cheaper alternative, although simpler, is Spectre from Audiofile Engineering. Also for Mac OS X. Both Spectre and SpectraFoo work with any Core Audio device.