Rigol DS1000Z is nice, good quality BASIC scope. It is not very fast, FFT is not very good (still somehow usable) decoding is very basic but also usable for occasional packet here and there. Where it is very good is analog like display of waveforms, quite deep memory and generally good quality. Also it is not very new, and pretty much no bugs in what people are using most of the time.
That being said, Siglent 1000X-E series (4ch) has dual A/D converters, more sample memory, segmented mode, measurements on full memory, long FFT etc etc.
It also has lower noise frontend with real 500uV/div range.
It is a better scope. It is also much newer (hence better specs) but because of that, occasional bug is still found here and there, although basic stuff is sorted out and no major problems..
Mentioned GW-INSTEK is also nice little scope, but little bit more expensive than both. It is between the two mentioned ones in specs, and is also nice and stable.
There are also MICSIG tablet scopes, very good for the price and portable and battery operated. If you go out in the field or go to workshops and collaborate with other people, that one is great...
Any one of them will be HUUUGE upgrade from having no scope...