Then let us hope that user can force scope to full memory acquisition also with fast time bases for some special needs for some rare technical reasons or just as for psychological reasons.
This is essentially same as "horizontal zoom" without splitting window. So they should implement either this or that, if implement both - becomes quite confusing for user and puzzle for GUI dude.
Now I drop totally out.
Perhaps I have not explained it like bending from hard wire or what is now missing?
Please tell me what you mean with "either this or that".
And what confusion? T&M instruments are not for monkeys. These need even some education, exept who use these just as toys for playing.
I use nearly every day digitral oscilloscpe what have normal full screen horizontal "zoom" and window zoom. And it is implemented in many many oscilloscopes, in history, now and in future. But as we know Siglent do not this. Siglent adjust acquisition length when you change t/div. User can not force it for use manually selected longer memory.
How we name these selections is other thing.
But I make example using Siglent SDS1202X-E
Set t/div to 10us/div.
And you have selected memory maximum limit for 1.4M. (Siglent memory selection is maximum LIMIT)
Now oscilloscope itself select automatically 140k length. (because this length can keep 1GSa/s 14div length) and this is also exactly what is display width.
Ok now you can also window zoom using in zoom window more fast timebase. Or if stop oscilloscope can also do full screen zoom in but not out because there is nothing outside of screen with original time base.
This all is how it works now.
Case B.
But, in some cases, some user may want that even if he use 10us/div (just this single example case) he still want full available memory lenght acquisitions. Force memory to 14M (or some other values how user need).
Also now he can use window zoom for zoom in running scope some details with faster time base than 10us/div.
Just as previously and how it works now.
But now there is outside of screen lot of acquisition length.
When user use this kind of scope and not used window zoom we cans ay that he is looking full screen zoom, he look just small narrow slice from hole capture length. And THIS is in many oscilloscopes. You can see it in Rigol, in old HP, in Keyshit, Owon, Tektronix, and so on. This IS full window zoom. Whern they change time base with enough long memory what happend. Only window is more and more narrow part of whole length. Acquisition itself stay same.
But, why do not implement auto memory, memory low limit, memory minimum limit.
Also it can implement so that even with window zoom in case B there can do some extra and make possible to zoom out from upper screen original time base setting. In lower zoom window is then possible to zoom in and out up to full memory length. Just so that tool can be more flexible for different needs and also in some cases it may speed up working with scope in live working situation where time is money.
Think scope what have 1k memory and 1GSa/s. Display 10 div. Time base set for 1ns/div.
What is display zoom factor to this whole length. THis is full window zoom working principle. Used in many scopes in history, now and future. In Siglent case automemory reject memory to 10 data points. Ok this is enough. Also other scope display 10 dayta points long part when it run. Similar. But this other scope show 100X full window zoom. Didsplay show 1% length when it is running. Do you now realize what is full window zoom. This can add to Siglent and user can select this mode if he really need it, of not then automemory.
In some cases we want limit memory length. Example for fast sequence acq. Or for make possible to keep more trigged events in history buffer limiited memory.
Other thing is how to arrange UI and name things so that user do not drop to confused. If user do not understand how to use tools then he can buy more simple machines.