Good day, good day, bad day, bad day...
Good day *2 was TE related..
Good day... In my Solarton LM1620 I finally managed to get around to finish tweaking it and replacing the sloshy silvery standard cell with an LM285+CR2032. The sloshy silvery thing in the red glass "bomb" would have worked for a decade or so without intervention. With a 15µA constant current draw, the 1.239V replacement on the board at the top should work for >1 year before intervention.
Good day... With my Fluke 515A, the only remaining task is to fabricate a dial for the rotary control.
Bad day... One of my daughter's friends died unexpectedly of natural causes, aged 40.
Bad day... Daughter's car (mine really) was smashed while legally parked. Police say there was insurance for the other car, but it was SORNed. If someone has experience of whether that means I can recover some money without losing NCD, please don't invoke the forum's immune response. Similarly, if I lose my NCD, can I sue the bastard for the extra cost of my future insurance?