On the Bench Tonight: 12 dollah Battery Tab Welder: Is It Full Of Fire or just WTF...?One bored afternoon aboot a year ago, I bought literally the cheapest battery tab welder I could find on AliEx; paid a whopping 12 bux
delivered for it. This looks like the same as the one I bought:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256803318551771.htmlSince I recently unearthed it, I haven't really had a need to weld a battery tab... until DigiKey pissed me off and left me with nothing to do on a Saturday afternoon.
This will not end well.
I've read the horror stories about voltage sag causing these to all die a fiery death; so I'm gonna give it all the chance to survive I can muster by doing the tricks I learned modding high-current high-frequency ESCs used in our quadcopters. 12ga solid copper wire reinforcement on the rails, 4mm HXT connectors, plus I added dual 12 ga power leads and screwed the thing direct to 30000 uF of Aero M capacitors. Then I'm gonna power it with a 13.5V modded DPS-1200FB server PSU I've personally drawn 80A from.
I love fine-strand silicone wires; you can dump 150W right on there making up your ends and they just take it. I love my PanaVise JR too; I use this one more than all my others put together any more.
Enabler-wife FTW, yo! Here's one set of power cables: Crimped as best I can with the wrong size crimpers, then soldered for safety; I am mildly ashamed. These will go directly under the screws through the PCB into the caps. The other set is a wee bit more assache; they get soldered to the PCB and continue out as pigtails to the other two sets of terminals on the caps.
MUTHA-EFFING OWWWWW! I accidentally crimped my finger doing a dumbass thing: Using pliers to hold a nut instead of going upstairs to get a wrench.
I deserved that.
Ooooh... all those wires and schizz all over the place; looks like Doc Brown wuz here.
Hey, I wanna inconvenience those angry pixies just as little as I possibly can. Give them nice fat pipes so they can just fly down to the workpiece!
This is as ready as it'll ever be... time to fire it up. Hope my scale insurance is paid up.
But wait... I should make a video so all y'alls can point and laugh! Here, have a little popcorn...
But uhhh... don't double-down on the dumbass-ness like I did... take off your jewelry before you start playing around with electrical crap.
DUH!!! But wait... I didn't embarrass myself enuf with that vid? I made
another one...?Yup... all y'alls gonna get a double-feature of the tinkerdwagon doing something that's probably stoopit... just to see if he can.
For good or evil... there it is. A fucking 2 dollar battery. Made with a 12-dollar spot-welder.
A bored tinkerdwagon is a dangerous thing... but if that coin cell doesn't spontaneously combust sitting on that tile overnight, I'm gonna put it in that 54621D. Fuck DigiKey and their stoopit Canadian account BS...