Starting to dig into and sort my IC's.
After only 2 minutes I am already pulling my hair out.
Got chip marked 74HCT4060
4060 is 4000 series CMOS of course... and 74HCT is.. well 74 series. Two different things. How can I see both merged into one single part number ! Is it a 4060 or a 74 chip ?!
I thought things were simple, clear.. and now I have this hybrid of a chip
So I ha d alook on Wikipedia to see the list of 74 chips.... should not have looked, I should not have... really really not...
My old book on ICs lists like 75 chips for the 4000 series and about the same for TTL Chips..... but wikipedia says there are now HUNDREDS of chips !!!!!
Says the 74 series "borrowed" (STOLE !) some chips from the 4000 CMOS family... and vice versa.
So how do I sort these hybrids ! I cut the chips in two halves with angle grinder and I put one halve in the 74 drawer and the other half in the 4000 series drawer ?!
I HATE chip manufacturers !!!!
I am starting to admire people who work in libraries, that try to organize and categorize books, and decide on what shelve they will put them on