You can't play video games on the cheap office/fleet-duty monitors. If you're lucky they're good for 60hz. Even at that pitiful refresh rate, they tear and blur like crazy. You don't always get a good monitor by throwing money at the problem; but unless you win the closeout lottery, you don't get good without paying a fair bit for it. Same is true of most TVs... they make horrible monitors in most cases, even for game consoles.
moo. or don't.
Maybe I worded that badly last night, I haven't played any really modern PC games, the last PC game I tried was a version of Sega rally, this gave the motion sickness problem on the 24" Samsuck LandfillMaster monitor, that came new with a PC I had built about 15 years ago. A free game some years later had the same effect, as did an update to the MMORPG (aka time-sponge) I played on & off for many years (thankfully there was a option to disable the camera shake effect in that). Youtube videos where no gimbal or imagine stabilisation was used, can have the same effect, as I mentioned some TV programmes & films can have this shit forced on you too.
I can only view or play for a short time (say 10mins) before it becomes a potential vomit problem.
I never had this problem with the various 14" port-a-bile CRT based TVs and numerous game consoles I have (Dreamcast, Xbox, Gamecube & Wii). The Wii was the second last one I bought, Nintendo turned evil & blocked the Gamecube code disc, bastards, therefore I ended up buying a second hand Gamecube to carry on with the older games, I completely lost interest in consoles soon after that.
No one else in family seems to get motion sickness problem with screens, it's just me.
I've no need or space for anything larger than the 24" monitor, anything in this size or smaller seems to be low quality shite these days, for both TVs & monitors. I'll be using the repaired LandfillMaster till it dies completely, will probably go with dumpster find or cheap used monitors then.
Still haven't replaced the GPU due to overpriced cards, following the chipageddon shortages, the only game I really want to play is Shenmue III, maybe need to bring a CRT monitor back from storage.
No, I get you... I had the same problem with every VR headset I ever tried up to the Oculus DK2 with 90Hz OLED display. Just minutes and
. I tried a prerelease DK2 at
PAX jeebus...10 years ago maybe? Immediately signed up and got mine about 6-7 months later. That display was a game changer; tho it wasn't until like the 3rd go-round of FW updates that the fringe-ghosting was cured to the point it didn't make my eyes
bleed cry involuntarily.
This is also why I've always advised fellow gamers to spend mostly on the GPU and the display... those are the big investments; dig deep, until it hurts. Skimp on RAM and CPU if need be; those can be upgraded much less painfully and then the old flipped for a much better share of what you paid.