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Offline Vince

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118725 on: April 30, 2022, 07:38:20 pm »
HP 120B update

1. Resistance across R304.

2. Resistance from V301 #1 to V301 #6.

R304  is good (enough), measures 500k for 560k.

Then between the plates of the two triodes I measure as expected the sum of the two plate resistors, 650k or so.
So looks good to me...

So now for the update. Spent all day on the thing, as I found it a convenient excuse for not going outside working on the front yard, to do what I was supposed to have already done yesterday....

Schematic below, I hope you like colours (and aren't colour blind...) , it's made to make your life less miserable as you will be reading my essay below. Well I mean, for the one person in a million that might actually do that. One in a trillion more like it.

Inspecting the Board

Access was not that bad, feeling relieved... 4 screws and then there is enough slack in the wiring to tilt the board almost upside down, away from the edge of the cabinet. So that's good. I could then access the bottom of the board, redid all joints no questions asked. Result ? No joy.
Better access meant easier to clean. So I had another go at cleaning all the blakc dust cooked all over it. A challenge... lots of IPA and a brush is not good enough. Not even one with stiff nylon hair. You do need to rub the board with a paper towel to get that black stuff off.
More pleasing to wok on that board now.

Component testing

I first tried to figure out what part of the circuit were not relevant to my HV problem, so I don't waste too much time...
I think 2 sections are irrelevant as they don't seem to interfere at all, be involved in, the generation of the HV. I circled these two in blue :

1) Top right : the voltage divider that feeds the Astigmatism control grid on the CRT.

2) the bottom right part of the schematic : all the circuitry fed by the second secondary winding of the transformer : it takes one input : "Gate" and has one single output : the first grid of the CRT. That's all. zero connection to the rest of the board. I guess it's responsible for blanking the CRT during retracing.
Still, I noted that the string of x3 beefy resistor R323 / 324 / 325 were all way off, +50%. They all measure 12+ Mohms instead of 8.2. So that would need "fixing" later, but it's not gonna cause my lack of HV so I moved on for now.

HV feedback voltage

(Area circled in yellow.)

So the first area actually involved in the generation of the HV, that I looked at, was the long voltage divider that sets the feedback voltage to the grid of that triode, V301B, since it gets 150mV instead of negative 6.1V.  There are no less than 5 resistors in series + 2 trim pots. So I looked at them all and found one of the x3 beefy resistor string (R309/310/311), to be way off. They are 5.6M. Two are spot on, but the third measures at 25M !  >:D  So I replaced it, no luck, zero change to the DC levels I measure, as if I did nothing. Still, it needed doing for sure, so that's one step in the right direction, but the core of the problem must be somewhere else.
So what other component do we have, between the grid of the triode and the output of the voltage divider ? Well we have a couple disc ceramic caps. One at the output of the divider, C305 then another cap directly at the grid of the triode, that's C304. How to test them ?
My reasoning is that all these ceramic caps all over the place on that board are not fundamentally required... I mean, other than the smoothing cap to rectify the voltage after the HV rectifiers, all the other caps are seeing only stable DC voltages. So I don't see how they could be required to generate the HV. They serve a purpose of course, maybe removing noise, handling transients, I don't know... but not essential. So I though well I can  just disconnect them and it should not keep HV from being generated.
So I did that. Disconnect first the one at the grid of the tube, because it looked very black / suspicious... though I thought it was probably a red herring and just again that black dust cooked over it, nothing more. Indeed it had no effect on my problem whatsoever. So then disconnected the other cap right at the output of the divider, C305. Again zero change one way or the other.

So not much luck there.

Brightness control

(Area circled in Green)

So next area of interest is the brightness control circuitry. As one can see, it is in series with the return path of the HV transformer winding, so obviously it's open circuit there won't be any HV.... But there is a quick test one can do to rule all of that out : switch S3C, the " Beam Finder" switch, shorts the entire circuitry and connect the winding straight to ground. So one just needs to press that switch and if the HV comes back you know the problem is the brightness control circuitry. But pressing that switch didn't change anything to my problem.... so that's not it. Oh well...


(Area circled in Red)

So the only part left for me to tinker with was the oscillator itself.
Again because it's all a closed loop system, you never know what part of the loop is keeping the oscillations from happening but.... I thought hey, let's break that loop and work on the oscillator, standalone. I mean, what does the oscillator care if its control voltage comes from the feedback path or... from me just setting the grid at a fixed voltage of my choice ? Eh ?? Schematic says that the grid should be at 92V when it's working so... well I will give it 92V and it's supposed to oscillate eh ?!

So I pulled the 12AU7 tube, the two triodes in the error amplifier,  to break the feedback path. Instead, I soldered a resistor at the grid of the oscillator tube to replace the triode. So now I get about 90V. 87.2V to be exact, not 92 but hey should be good enough for something to happen, at the least...

Result ? Still no joy. The oscillator... does not oscillate. The feedback voltage from the transformer / RC network (C202 / R302 / R301 ), still won't budge, still 1 volt or so, instead of negative 123V according to the schematic....

Checking the primary winding of the transformer: it's got a middle tap (pin #7), where the unregulated 400+ V supply is connected to. Then one side of the winding (pin #8] goes to the plate of the oscillator tube, and the other side (pin #6) goes to the RC feedback network. I do see 400V at both ends of the primary winding. That means that at the least, the transformer primary does get its power, and the two parts of the windings are not open circuit, they can convey DC. Now OK that doesn't mean they are good. They may be shorted, they would still pass DC... so I measured the overall resistance of the primary, I get 7+ ohms. Sounds good... that's not a short. Well I guess you could still have one half of the winding shorted and the other good, I don't know... but at least it's not 100% shorted...

Yes both resistors are good. The cap ? A small "domino" style mica cap, 390pF. I measured it, spot on. Of course it might be leaky as they did in my Tek 180A time mark generator... so I did a leak test. It does leak, about 5 or 6 uA. That I guess explains why I have a small voltage at the grid... that leakage current goes through R302 which is 100k, so that makes it drop a small voltage. I replaced the cap with a film cap, and now grid voltage is 0.000V..... no leak any more.

Still, it refuses to oscillate.

Starting to drive me nuts. Winding has power. Tube has appropriate driving voltage at its relevant grid, also has 400V at its plate, all is good. So why the fuck doesn't it oscillate... well bad tube perhaps but again, the point this week-end is we are trying to see if anything other than the tube, which I can't replace right now short of having one on hand... might be at fault.
So I wanted to see the capacitor charge, the voltage evolve at the grid of the tube, i.e across resistor R302.

Because at this point what we have is now simple : cap C302 charging through resistor R302, between ground and 400V.

So even if it does not oscillate, at the least I should be able to see the transient stage, where at power up, the 400V rail comes up and charges the capacitor, once.
This should produce a positive pulse/spike across the resistor.  R is 100k and C is 390pF, so that's a 39us time constant. So setting the sweep speed of my scope to 50us say, should let me see the shape of that pulse / exponential just fine.

But.... for the life of me I can't capture that transient ! For all I see, there is no pulse, it's at zero volt right from the start, no charging of the capacitor going on ?!  :o 
I am baffled, does not make sense..... ground on one side, 400V at the other, this cap needs to charge FFS how it could it not do that ?!

So that's where I am at...I am a bit stuck now... waiting to receive a new oscillator tube or two from evil bay.

Baffled I am, a freaking cap that won't charge ?! What has the world come to !  |O

Hope you like this video. If you did please like share and subscribe and get some merch and donate on Patreon please. Every donation will go toward the old boat anchor restoration fund. Thanks in advance.

Yours Truly.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2022, 10:04:27 pm by Vince »
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118726 on: April 30, 2022, 08:23:06 pm »
Guess it must be the 6AQ5 (aka EL90) then, i.e. the one you had a mishap with and looked to be present before you started, I can't imagine the board cleaning would have stopped it working, unless something broke off.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2022, 08:28:35 pm by factory »

Offline Vince

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118727 on: April 30, 2022, 08:31:22 pm »
Yeah I hope that's it.  I have just ordered x3 NOS 6AQ5 from Ebay France, so hopefully I shall receive them late next week all going well.

30 Euros shipped. 10 Euros per tube. Not cheap by my wallet standards, but not crazy expensive either, for NOS tubes I mean.

Best deal was 4 NOS ones for 18 Euros shipped, but they come from Ukraine so delivery time, or delivery at all really, is unknown. I don't want to waste 18 Euros down the drain nor wait 3 months to get them  :(

So hoping to get my tubes late next week then. In the meantime I will resume work on the Rochar Nixie DMM  I think 8)

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118728 on: April 30, 2022, 08:52:18 pm »
oh, we converted the N2O tanks to TNT equivalents ...
a 10kg container was something like 6.whatever kg of TNT

So what's that in cee four?   >:D

If it jams, force it.  If it breaks, you needed a new one anyway...

Offline mnementh

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118729 on: April 30, 2022, 09:57:15 pm »
Shirley that's not a high pressure boiler?

Closest most people get to HPS these days is while they are chatting to their barista. I've yet to see any news stories about mass hipster fatalities in espresso machine explosions, but one lives on in hope...
Oh, heavens no; circulating water, not steam. I was just being silly. ;)

Tho I do sometimes share your hopes...  :P
« Last Edit: April 30, 2022, 10:01:27 pm by mnementh »
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118730 on: April 30, 2022, 10:12:48 pm »
LPG is dangerous enough; it is low-pressure, just enough to keep it in a liquid state, but CNG is exponentially more dangerous because of the pressures involved. I certainly don't trust the average motorist to safely handle either.

There are thousands of unattended self-service filling stations offering CNG and/or LPG, all across Western Europe. So, why aren't people blowing themselves up all the time, over here?

Don't forget Iran, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil and China - who are the top 5 countries by numbers of CNG vehicles (12 million in total). It would be unkind to make a comparison of the intellectual capacity of the average Iranian/Pakistani/Argentinian/Brazilian/Chinese/European versus the average American based solely on the opinions of one self-identifying dragon.

Unkind, probably. Inaccurate... from a standpoint of considering the lowest common denominator?

We've spent many a afternoon in here bantering about just how stupid IQ100 really is.

Based on that, I'll rest my case and roundfile any further comment on the subject.

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the average American". ~attributed to HL Mencken
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Offline Cubdriver

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118731 on: April 30, 2022, 10:24:17 pm »
I'm now a proud member of the Tektronix 321 club - bought one today.  It has some issues (trace doesn't entirely span the screen, for one), but at first brush is at least basically functional.

It will certainly need some TLC and cleanup, along with a bit of dent removal, but I'm good with that.  (And I'd like to find a tiny Tek knob to replace the bodged on HP one on the scale illumination pot...)

If it jams, force it.  If it breaks, you needed a new one anyway...
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Offline Cerebus

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118732 on: April 30, 2022, 10:28:30 pm »
oh, we converted the N2O tanks to TNT equivalents ...
a 10kg container was something like 6.whatever kg of TNT

So what's that in cee four?   >:D


If it was 6.0 kg of TNT then it would be roughly 4.5 kg of Composition C4 (about 25 MJ).
Anybody got a syringe I can use to squeeze the magic smoke back into this?
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118733 on: April 30, 2022, 10:36:06 pm »
LPG is dangerous enough; it is low-pressure, just enough to keep it in a liquid state, but CNG is exponentially more dangerous because of the pressures involved. I certainly don't trust the average motorist to safely handle either.

There are thousands of unattended self-service filling stations offering CNG and/or LPG, all across Western Europe. So, why aren't people blowing themselves up all the time, over here?

Don't forget Iran, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil and China - who are the top 5 countries by numbers of CNG vehicles (12 million in total). It would be unkind to make a comparison of the intellectual capacity of the average Iranian/Pakistani/Argentinian/Brazilian/Chinese/European versus the average American based solely on the opinions of one self-identifying dragon.

Unkind, probably. Inaccurate... from a standpoint of considering the lowest common denominator?

We've spent many a afternoon in here bantering about just how stupid IQ100 really is.

Based on that, I'll rest my case and roundfile any further comment on the subject.

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the average American". ~attributed to HL Mencken

You might also reasonably add the value of human life in those particular countries, ie they don't bother to report "minor" incidents (anything that is not demonstrably a foreign power seeking to destroy their "democracy"). Gotta love raw statistics...
nuqDaq yuch Dapol?
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118734 on: April 30, 2022, 10:45:07 pm »
well, the training you need for pumping cng is about the same as lift handle, put gizmo over filling gizmo, turn lock push button.the filling stations are unsupervised credit card driven terminals without any staff.if lifting the handle and putting it over the nozzle plus pushing a button is too complicated the folks in  question should not be driving.
I had 80 l of petrolexplode in that Audi I was referring to.  ai don't t see the point you are trying to make. there are more petrol cars burning than lpg/cng cars burning  so what is the hubbub about ?

the folks in  question should not be driving.
EXACTLY THIS.  Do not overestimate the average North American driver.  Padding the ego is valued much higher than safety, because you have to respect your elders, and boost confidence in the young ones... :horse:

I have driven in Europe in winter.  The average European driver is on par with a highly skilled driver in North America.
Keep this context in mind with the Dwagon's comments and then his thoughts make more sense.
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118735 on: April 30, 2022, 11:04:13 pm »
Nope; most common screw head south of the border is #2 Philips. More likely to be Torx than Robertson in the good ol' Hew-Hess-Hay...  :o

Honestly, Robertson still look just wrong to me, even after spending a couple years up there.  :-//


They are working pretty well on wood when building a deck. And can be found in most electrical installation over here for some reason.

I came to very much like Robertson head screws when I installed the radiant heat spreader extrusions for my second floor.  Each 4' length of extrusion took ten screws, and extrusions were installed in parallel pairs through each joist bay, so there were a LOT of them!  Started out using Philips head screws, but found that unless I kept the driver perfectly aligned and held tight against the screw head, it would cam out and nearly instantly wallow out the screw head.  Decided on a whim about halfway through to get some Robertson head screws and found them to be considerably easier to install - much more tolerant of slight misalignment of the driver, didn't require 50 pounds of up force to keep them engaged, and most pleasantly, could be placed on the end of the bit for installation and would stay there even if my movement wasn't silky smooth as I brought the Makita up and put the tip of the screw on the hole.  I'd spent a lot of time picking up dropped Phillips screws that had fallen off before making it to the extrusion, and while it was great exercise, it did not make the job easier.

Regardless, it was well worth the effort all told.

If it jams, force it.  If it breaks, you needed a new one anyway...
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118736 on: April 30, 2022, 11:05:40 pm »
I'm now a proud member of the Tektronix 321 club - bought one today.  It has some issues (trace doesn't entirely span the screen, for one), but at first brush is at least basically functional...

Yummm. looks like a nice couple of weekends diversion there, Pat. Well-glommed.  :-+

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118737 on: April 30, 2022, 11:08:53 pm »
I'm now a proud member of the Tektronix 321 club - bought one today.  It has some issues (trace doesn't entirely span the screen, for one), but at first brush is at least basically functional...

Yummm. looks like a nice couple of weekends diversion there, Pat. Well-glommed.  :-+


More pics will follow as it is cleaned/renovated.

If it jams, force it.  If it breaks, you needed a new one anyway...
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118738 on: April 30, 2022, 11:22:11 pm »
HP 120B update  The Illiad
So I stole a 6AQ5 and 12AU7 from on of the type 515.

Result : no HV ! I used my HV probe and probed directly at the connector that plugs at the back of the CRT. I get ZERO. No HV-ing going on, not a sausage...  |O

Wish me luck..... :palm:

HP 120B update The Odyssey

Check: 1. Resistance across R304. 2. Resistance from V301 #1 to V301 #6.

R304  is good (enough), measures 500k for 560k.

Then between the plates of the two triodes I measure as expected the sum of the two plate resistors, 650k or so. So looks good to me...

So now for the update. Spent all day on the thing, as I found it a convenient excuse for not going outside working on the front yard, to do what I was supposed to have already done yesterday....
Baffled I am, a freaking cap that won't charge ?! What has the world come to !  |O

Yours Truly.   

Jeebus Vince... this one is turning into another epic. What's next, War and Peace...?    :-DD

Do carry on carrying on. ;)
« Last Edit: April 30, 2022, 11:24:32 pm by mnementh »
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Offline Cerebus

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118739 on: April 30, 2022, 11:27:07 pm »
LPG is dangerous enough; it is low-pressure, just enough to keep it in a liquid state, but CNG is exponentially more dangerous because of the pressures involved. I certainly don't trust the average motorist to safely handle either.

There are thousands of unattended self-service filling stations offering CNG and/or LPG, all across Western Europe. So, why aren't people blowing themselves up all the time, over here?

Don't forget Iran, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil and China - who are the top 5 countries by numbers of CNG vehicles (12 million in total). It would be unkind to make a comparison of the intellectual capacity of the average Iranian/Pakistani/Argentinian/Brazilian/Chinese/European versus the average American based solely on the opinions of one self-identifying dragon.

Unkind, probably. Inaccurate... from a standpoint of considering the lowest common denominator?

We've spent many a afternoon in here bantering about just how stupid IQ100 really is.

Based on that, I'll rest my case and roundfile any further comment on the subject.

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the average American". ~attributed to HL Mencken

You might also reasonably add the value of human life in those particular countries, ie they don't bother to report "minor" incidents (anything that is not demonstrably a foreign power seeking to destroy their "democracy"). Gotta love raw statistics...

This was Germans pointing out that such filling stations are commonly operated by members of the public in Western Europe. So do Germans and Western Europe also come under your banner of "life is cheap" countries?
Anybody got a syringe I can use to squeeze the magic smoke back into this?

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118740 on: April 30, 2022, 11:50:07 pm »
So... the last few days, I've started a new exercise regimen: Spend the day fixing equipment pulled from storage, then using it. A couple days ago, I fixed broken cable and handle and wheel adjusters, etc and did spring service on the lawnmower that came with the house; I was rewarded with a mower that started first pull after filling the tank with fuel. Then I spent the afternoon mowing the front lawn; best workout I've had since we unloaded the big trailer months ago.

Came in from the day's labor exhausted, aching in back and knee, and feeling a bit overwhelmed... but yesterday morning woke with more energy than I've had in weeks and even though I was sore, I worked on bicycles and then even made a couple laps around the local block with my son. Last night I went to bed early with my wife bone-tired but still pleased with the day's work. We later had some of the best naughty bits time we've had in a long, long time.  >:D

Again, this morning I woke up feeling much better than I've felt in ages... so I did spring service on my own mower from storage, was again rewarded with an easy start on the first pull, then used it to mow the long sideyards that face the road and neighbor's drive.

My back and knee again ache; but now the pain has decreased to a dull roar, and I'm actually getting some organizing done in my bench area I've put off for weeks. I can actually see clear floor that isn't occupied by bins full of crap. :-+

So now... I guess I need to figure out something I can do to keep the run going.  :-DD

I'm all out of mowers and bicycles to fix... what next?

*eyeballing the trees and brush around the back shed*
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118741 on: May 01, 2022, 12:44:00 am »

Thats' OK, as a Skoda driver by choice we can tell you're not really interested in cars.  :)

Hah hah, on this occasion you couldn't be more wrong if you tried, my car was chosen for many reasons and cost was definitely not one of them. My car had to be many things to me on business and personal levels and even today it does not disappoint, for instance it has as standard foot rests for the rear passengers, it is larger in the rear than many limousines. You really should check out today's Skodas, there are no longer the joke of car industry like they used to be.  :)
Who let Murphy in?

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118742 on: May 01, 2022, 01:09:45 am »
I still like our pregnant Camry.  :-DD

*currently dissecting a FatBike battery charging problem*
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118743 on: May 01, 2022, 06:00:50 am »
An ADG368, an ADG368, my kingdom for an ADG368......

So, dealing with a recalcitrant TDS754D here that apparently lost its cal constants from the EEPROMS (U1052 and U1055) on the acquisition board.
I've had luck replacing them in the past, but this time I can't read or write anything to or from them using the EEPROM/NVRAM read/write utility stuff from somewhere on the forum that I put on floppy disk (It works on another working scope so my disks are good).

I replaced the EEPROMS with brand new ones and then tried writing the cal data from another TDS754D to at least get something force-fed in there but no dice...

So taking a look at the schematic, the EEPROM write control pins are tied to a 74HC86, which receives 5v from the famous 'Write Enable' switch on the processor board, via a 15V to 12V vreg and voltage divider.
All voltages test ok, so I replaced the 74HC86 because it was easy, still no dice. hmmmm.

I have also double checked all traces for continuity, all perfect like the day it was born.

So, the I2C data comes from a 160-pin chip, ADG368. Hmmm, all my spare boards use ADG308 chips. Well, lets get the hot air gun out and swap to see... No boot. Shiet, incompatible.
Swap back and we are booting again but errors are back to square one. So I think the ADG368 chip is most likely the bad bit at this stage (or whatever is feeding the AGD368..) I'll have to scope the I2C lines to the EEPROM chips too, to see if there is activity there.

Now, about finding another ADG368.........  |O

Last resort, pull good EEPROMS full of cal data from a scrapped TDS754D, stick them in and hope it works, if so, call it good.  >:D
I also want to rig something up to directly read the data from the old EEPROMs to see if they might actually still be good, maybe something is just stopping the disk utility (and hence the scope) from seeing the data.
How can I do that with the bare chips in my hand? I have a bunch of programmers and chip clips etc but I'm not up with writing and reading directly to I2C chips...

Where does all this test equipment keep coming from?!?
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118744 on: May 01, 2022, 06:51:21 am »
How can I do that with the bare chips in my hand? I have a bunch of programmers and chip clips etc but I'm not up with writing and reading directly to I2C chips...
Some time(~2months) ago I've tuned up my AN8008's: power off @ one hour, back light tied to button etc... I've done it on TL866-II Plus, which allows editing the programmable content in the buffer.
You can try the TL866 software in demo mode, without the device, to see the capabilities.
Oh, and the EEPROM's in case are 24C02(I2c).
« Last Edit: May 01, 2022, 06:55:14 am by Zoli »

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118745 on: May 01, 2022, 07:25:00 am »
Weeelll, it's not the processor board. I swapped in a spare and I get the exact same errors. It all works ok, but the EEPROM checksum fails as before.

Looking more and more like that ADG368 chip....
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118746 on: May 01, 2022, 08:05:11 am »
How can I do that with the bare chips in my hand? I have a bunch of programmers and chip clips etc but I'm not up with writing and reading directly to I2C chips...
Some time(~2months) ago I've tuned up my AN8008's: power off @ one hour, back light tied to button etc... I've done it on TL866-II Plus, which allows editing the programmable content in the buffer.
You can try the TL866 software in demo mode, without the device, to see the capabilities.
Oh, and the EEPROM's in case are 24C02(I2c).

I've been meaning to get a TL866 for a while now, this might be the excuse...

Currently at my disposal, I have an AVR Dragon, USBASP clones, Atmel AVRISP STK500 clone, Silicon Labs MCU ToolStick, Bus Pirate, and a couple other bits and pieces.
Oh, I also have a CH341A on order too.
Where does all this test equipment keep coming from?!?

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118747 on: May 01, 2022, 08:54:34 am »
I think CNG is not a suitable fuel for motor vehicles, in the event of crash or a fire, it has the power to either demolish a whole block a become flamethrower if fitted with PRV.

Yeah, the only crazier thing would be to replace CNG (~39GJ/tonne) with something even more energetic like Diesel (~45 GJ/tonne) or Petroleum (~47 GJ/tonne).

Or even want a BMW, sorry C  :-DD

Thats' OK, as a Skoda driver by choice we can tell you're not really interested in cars.  :)

BTW Skodas burn just as well as BMWs:

Back in the day, cars bursting into flames was something we dismissed as "Hollywood BS".
Cars would be in the most horrific accidents, to the point where they looked like stomped on beer cans, but still couldn't be coaxed into going "woompf".

Certainly, on occasion, cars would have fires under the bonnet/hood, but they were remarkably sedate affairs, compared to the Hollywood version.
Modern cars are deservedly touted as safer than those of days past, but one thing which seemingly has deteriorated, is the fire safety in collisions.

I put this down to higher fuel pump pressures, combined with the fact that they are all electric pumps.
The battery connection to the pump is still intact, so it continues to pump, squirting fuel all over the place from severed fuel lines.
The old mechanical pumps stopped when the engine did, as they usually do if mangled in a crash.

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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118748 on: May 01, 2022, 10:00:35 am »
LPG is dangerous enough; it is low-pressure, just enough to keep it in a liquid state, but CNG is exponentially more dangerous because of the pressures involved. I certainly don't trust the average motorist to safely handle either.

There are thousands of unattended self-service filling stations offering CNG and/or LPG, all across Western Europe. So, why aren't people blowing themselves up all the time, over here?

Don't forget Iran, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil and China - who are the top 5 countries by numbers of CNG vehicles (12 million in total). It would be unkind to make a comparison of the intellectual capacity of the average Iranian/Pakistani/Argentinian/Brazilian/Chinese/European versus the average American based solely on the opinions of one self-identifying dragon.

Unkind, probably. Inaccurate... from a standpoint of considering the lowest common denominator?

We've spent many a afternoon in here bantering about just how stupid IQ100 really is.

Based on that, I'll rest my case and roundfile any further comment on the subject.

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the average American". ~attributed to HL Mencken

You might also reasonably add the value of human life in those particular countries, ie they don't bother to report "minor" incidents (anything that is not demonstrably a foreign power seeking to destroy their "democracy"). Gotta love raw statistics...

This was Germans pointing out that such filling stations are commonly operated by members of the public in Western Europe. So do Germans and Western Europe also come under your banner of "life is cheap" countries?

No, they come under the banner of well educated, with a very well maintained infrastructure, with considerable legislation to make sure said maintenance is carried out properly and not just signed off by bribing a local official.

You can't take these things in isolation, you have to consider local conditions, or you're not going to get a true picture.
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Re: Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread
« Reply #118749 on: May 01, 2022, 10:11:42 am »

Look, what just showed up in the ebay Kleinanzeigen:

Well, I was lucky to get this Agilent 34172A Calibration Short one from eBay Kleinanzeigen.
Here are some pictures from the inside.

Also posted in the thread about calibration shorts.

There are 3 kinds of people in this world, those who can count and those who can not.
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