RANDOM MODE: Ultrasonic Pest Repellers So... they're painting the house this week, and part of that was doing a big outdoor "Spring Cleanup" around the house. Well, evidently all this activity disturbed some meeses' nest, and they decided to move inside where it was safe.
Haven't actually seen any, but a bowl with a wee bit of stir-fry gorp residue left on my desk last night had some droppings in it this morning. yucky-putz.
So today after wiping all the counters down and inspecting cupboards for points of entry (I found none, nor any meese leavings), I decided to research ultrasonic pest repellers to see if there were any confirmed to work any more reliably than the last time I looked a couple decades ago, in hopes of persuading it/them to keep on moving elsewhere before making our home their permanently.
Enter Google and their "very helpful" nature; oodles of reviews from Amazon in the results, ranging from the ridiculous to the sublime. Two of amusing note I've shared above; in the interest of not cluttering the thread with huge walls of OT text, I've attached the entirety of the 2nd review in .pdf (since eevBlog evidently isn't smart enuf to deal with .rtf) format, as I found it highly entertaining cinema and a much needed diversion after spending an hour being bludgeoned with everybody and his stepsister telling me how
their pest repeller was the only one that
really works...
Mental note: Devise Marketeer Repellent and hire marketeers to sell it.