...then measure the same voltage but using the HV probe, note difference and run the math to know what error is introduced by the probe, and take that into account... or calibrate it out of course if the probe has such a luxury.
That would be Calibration and Adjustment, not Calibration only.
Edit: My probes are calibrated with the meter they came in a kit. I trust them, but have of course pondered how to create a suitably high DC voltage to make a dent in the reading while also having a non-probe-fitted meter that will measure it.
It's not so clear to me. the Tek manuals for my old scopes, to me, make it sound like Tek uses "adjustments" in order to perform the "calibration". So the calibration is the act of .. well acting on the scope so that it meet its spec again. The "adjustments" are the form that this act, takes.
In French we use the term "Etalonné", that's not ambiguous and means that performance has been checked/measured, but measured only. No action has been taken to correct anything.
When we say "calibrate", in contrast, that means acting has been performed on the TE to bring it back to spec. Said action of course is in the form of adjustments... rarely in the form of a sledge hammer, or throwing the TE out the window from the 5th floor...
I don't know if there is a word in English like that, to clearly say that the performance has been checked but no adjustments have been made. You say that's the very meaning of " calibration", but reading Tek manuals, it's not how they use the term.Well, the way I read it of course... I am not a native English of course...
If fear there might be some difference between the rosy world of a dictionary definition of the term "calibrate", and how it gets used in practice.