Cool, just received the lot of vintage FRB connectors from Ebay. Lots of them...
6 varied pieces of the one I need for my Ferisol counter.
I have one piece of the exact style I need : male angled PCB mount, and female angled PCB mount.
So I can now go Kicading and design my extender card to fix my Nixie decade boards... my second Kicad project, so supposed to go more smoothly than the my first ever project.
I have already forgotten most of it though, will need to read the Kicad on-line tutorial again
I think I will make a text file and start taking notes as I go...
I'd be tempted to just use ribbon cable. You can then lay it flat on top of an insulating board over the top of the other boards. A cheap thin chopping board works well. It's a lot easier to probe a board when it's laid flat.
Hmmm... OK, makes good sense.
However extender cards are ncie in that yu can add stuff on them to help you : use the silk screen to identify the various power rails, add LED's to show you if they are present. Add silk screen for all the interesting signals. Add jumpers to interrupt a power rail so you can insert an am-meter, whatever. I kinda like that.
So I am now thinking of doing hybrid : a ribbon cable (could use the shit load of old IDE cables I have... the old 0.1" ones not the high density ones. More copper in the wires I guess...).. soldered directly on one end to the male connector that goes into the counter/chassis, and at the other end of the cable, a little board with a HE10 header to plug the IDE cable, and the silk screen and LEDs and test points etc, and the female connector to plug the Nixie board.
Hell I could make a little board for the other end of the cable as well.. would save me from soldering all these wires to the connector, a pain for sure.
The best of both worlds eh ? I think I like that a lot... plus the boards would therefore be very small hence very cheap... guess I could even just make them myself from some proto board, and just add a sticker with label printer instead of silk screen... but I like the idea of a nice clean good looking PCB, more.
The nice things too, is that I could make make a different extender board for other uses in the counter : there are 23 boards in there IIRC, all 16 pins, but obviously the pins have different roles.
so I could make a little extender board for the various use cases in the counter, if/when needed, and I could just easily plug them to the IDE cable as required. Flexibility you see !
Hmm yeah, think I will do that !