You really do make this hard work don't you.
1/ I never insisted you change to a BNC so lets get that correct shall we, I suggested that was perhaps the best option based on experience.
2/ You need to learn the differance between advice and an instruction. Advice you can decide yourself whether you accept it or not. An instruction is something that you must do or else there are going to be consequences, i.e., if a policeman tells you to stop, then you must stop, or else.
Now what you are actually doing in a perverse way is exactly what I suggested, and considering your original problem was that the centre contact was crusty and also one half was not making any contact. This was mainly due to the fact that either the plug in lead had been pulled sideways thus bending that contact, or the plug in lead had been left plugged in and over time the weight of the cable had slowly been bending that contact.
Either way, the option that you appear to have chosen is going to greatly increase that risk of the same problem from occuring again in double quick time because are adding the effect of a lever, or a crowbar because it is multiplying that identical force on the centre pin many times over.
But hey, its your equipment and as it always was, your decision about the way to solve the problem, I wish you good luck with it.
You are twisting things a bit
Not an instruction yeah but uh.... an advice hammered and worded so that if I don't follow it I am the stupidest thing on earth and the instrument will explode in my face or burn the lab to the ground and the instrument will be useless, is more than just a suggestion to me
And it still does not take into account that WHY the heck I would I have to replace the socket with a BNC and ruin the instrument's looks and originality, UNLESS I absolutely need to ?! Adapter is cheap so why not give that a chance first ? If the socket and when the socket dies for good and it keeps me from using the instrument, well yes of course I will have to consider replacing it with a BNC socket.. but why insist so much on doing it right now, when it can be done ANYTIME, when it does become worthwhile ? Doe snot compute to me sorry. Why wold you want to replace your old kidneys that work fine, just because they are old ? You can always replace them later if need be, why replace them right now ?! Nope.
Feels like I am talking to Dwagon, feels strange...
Anyhow you said it was just gentle advice so advice taken gently, thanks...
If the socket fails permanently the day I insert the adapter in it for the first time, at least I will think of you for sure !!