It's all good fun until he starts asking where he could find a cheap, big klystron.
Nahhh...klystrons are fairly narrowband. If he asks where he can get a coupled cavity TWT and a BWO to drive it, then I'll worry.
No, brute force electronic countermeasures is so passe. Stealth is the way. work out what muxes she uses most and how long a noise burst is needed to upset the decoder then just inject that. Much harder to detect.
Beware that she may go to cable though.
I remember scanning around with an RTL-SDR stick a few years ago and finding an stray narrow FM signal on a few hundred Mhz - not any ISM band I could recognize - that turned out to be audio from a TV. Not sure if they had an wireless headphone transmitter from some weird part of the world or it was blasting out of the TV. If the latter, it should be susceptible in the other direction as well...
Some years ago, I found such kind of signal in the 860MHz range - it was the elderly neighbours wireless TV headphone, indeed.
Many years ago, when I looked after country TV stations, we had a complaint from the WA Police, that every morning, when the ABC commenced transmission, their VHF comms got wiped out.
We came along, armed to the teeth with spectrum analysers & anything else deemed appropriate, gave the site a full going over, only to find nothing!
Rang the Boss, who passed it on to the Cops.
It later turned out that a local lady had an antenna amplifier, which was unstable, & prone to oscillation.
She was a great fan of the National broadcaster, & every morning, at startup time, would fire up the TV & the amplifier.
The latter was spewing crud right across the VHF high band , straight down the throat of the Police comms antenna.
The amp was a legacy device from when the nearest TV transmitter was several hundred km away, & was no longer necessary.
I don't know who talked her out of using it, whether the "nice local policeman", the licencing authority, or someone from our own organisation, but she did, & all was well---------she could continue her viewing, the cops could continue their policing, & we could get back to some real problems!