Back on topic, sorta.
I went to the Perth Hamfest yesterday.
There was quite a bit of test gear there, but I didn't bite for any, although a bit tempted.
There was one lot of stuff from a Deceased Estate, which had a hp 180 main frame, but unfortunately no plugins, there were also a couple of downconverters & a 410C from the same manufacturer.
They had been stored in a poorly waterproofed shed, & were quite "crusty".
I was quite tempted by the 410C, just for the sake of the pin & ferrule on the dc probe, as they are missing on mine, but put temptation behind me.
Further along, another bloke had a 465, which was also a bit crusty.
it had apparently had something ferrous sitting on top of it, as there was a big rust stain across the top cover.
Yet another place had a BWD 100MHz two channel 'scope with delayed timebase, of a similar class to the 465.
This was a bit dusty, not really crusty, but I left it.
Another guy had a UHF/SHF Spectrum analyser & more useful hp one (can't remember the model, sorry).
The latter was horribly overpriced at $A1700!
The same guy had a quite nice Marconi signal generator, too.
There were a few more "odds 'n sods" around, but none that took my fancy.
In any case, I don't really have the room for it!
I eventually bought a nice looking, but oldish ham HF transceiver in the shape of a Yaesu FT707 at $A250, & a "Pogo stick" 2m vertical antenna for $A25 (lazy old sod----I should have made the antenna myself, as I had most of the bits!).
I think if I can do a bit of "hamming" I might ease myself back into spending more time in the lab/hamshack/crud overflow room/dog & cat room.
How much was asked for the 100MHz BWD? Dont suppose you know who was selling it?
Sorry, Wolfy, I didn't ask, & can't even remember if he had a callsign badge.
On reflection, I might even have been incorrect about the bandwidth of the BWD, but i'm pretty sure that model is either 50 or 100MHz.
I seem to remember seeing 100MHz ones, but I may be mistaken.
I pretty much doubt that BWD, if putting in all the other goodies would scrimp on bandwidth, though.
It wasn't turned on, (neither were the others) so I didn't linger that long.
Possibly someone from the NCRG might remember who it was, or maybe you could ask on the Google group WAHAMS.