Sort of for Cerebus but also for me and or others I guess some additional PhysicaliTEA.
So still impressed with the Engineering on a budget. Closer cleaning and inspection then re assembly and measuring of the bits this afternoon. Threads after desludging and a proper clean are well formed and smooth. Surface ground parts have an excellent finish on them in particular given the price point.
Now onto the measurement bits. Initial measurements were of the three main bits individually and were all within 0.1mm in general so +-0.05mm or +-0.002".
Parts clean and dry fit on the initial rebuild then I will strip it backdown and grease and oil the appropriate bits. Looking at how this was likely machined is the base was flipped upside down and surface ground on a mag chuck against the lower ways so under it is very close to flat and it moved on the surface plate fairly evenly. Then the first stage was assembled and back off to the surface grinder again. The Red numbers are the assembled deviation so very close to taking out any deviations in the milled surfaces between.
Top slide was then installed and then I suspect a final grind to finish. With a little playing with the gibbs and depending on the slide position it seems to sit at around +-0.1mm or about +-0.004" I will recheck it with some oil on the ways but I doubt it will change that much. Depending on the Mag chuck and care/speed of the final grind this could have been improved but again for a price driven item more than acceptable. If I was seriously in need of it being flat then a box of beers and a visit to the surface grinder for a minor tweak would get it even closer if needed.
So very far from horrid tough rugged and way better than most drilling and even light milling needs with a little tweaking of the drill/mill head to it.
Initial Source European source with the addition of a Rotary stage