So I spent my lunch break desoldering things, like you do
Unpacked. Seems well built for the money. Took about 5 minutes to work it out.
I don't have any PCBs lying around I can attack as a test piece so went in guns blazing on the 5381A. I've read a few tutorials on how to use these effectively and that appears to have paid off fortunately. Also applying somewhat dated knowledge of using the old Weller DS801's was used.
Review: too easy. This thing is life changing
. Nice clean removals. I've wiped this down with isopropyl afterwards to remove any gank.
Scratches were not me - previous owner swapped some of the displays around, I assume because they were unequally broken
And all removals intact
This whole job took around 15 minutes from end to end. I had one blockage which was my own stupid fault for sucking too short a time.
This job would have been hell without this and I've avoided a lot of repairs before. Not only that I don't have to necessarily snip the parts out now to safely desolder which makes debugging and lifting leads cheaper.
I am impressed. Money well spent