Yeah, I know, Chris does have these love / hate relationships with his TEA gear and also his 2m radio gear, I on the other hand do not, and I build long-lasting relationships with my gear and only flip them when I get something better. I don't do forward engineering, more retro than anything else.
Going to write up my thoughts so hopefully people will understand things from my perspective.
My enjoyment stems from turning something limping or non functional into a decent specimen. After that unless it serves some utility value or has some empowering effect, it is a useless object as far as I am concerned. I am not a collector; in fact I find collecting to be a problematic proposition. It rapidly turns into hoarding, has a frequently underestimated psychological burden and a consequence that one day someone has to deal with it all. While nostalgia is appealing and surrounding yourself by it is nice, it can become a prison if you're not careful.
The enjoyment of all things in life is the journey for me, be that restorative or creative. This is the peak, received mostly trashed and restored:
As for 2m hell no, never again. That was a connection to the world of the local wrong-uns who managed to find a niche audience to spread their misconceptions about the universe on. It's another bubble like a facebook group full of anti-vaxxer racist sexist morons. I keep in contact with a couple of local hams by email still and they have gone off the air for similar reasons in the last couple of years.
I'm going to be honest that there is some pull for me back to CW on 40m with
simple equipment because you're poking at the fabric of the universe against gigantic odds to communicate across vast distances with only enough power to light a small light bulb. Also because CW is so difficult to convey large amounts of misinformed opinions incoherently with, it tends to stay short and sweet like SMS circa 1995 when you were trying to avoid being shagged for 10p to send a message.
This stuff is still cool