Alchemy complete.
Two 3mm aluminium tokens, one anodized black, one anodized violet. The violet looks better in real life, the unevenness is an artefact of the photo (apart from where the titanium wire electrode was clamped to it, obviously). Also it's a bluer, more violet colour it's nowhere as pink to the eye as it appears here - it seems to be one of those colours that digital cameras have problems with.
Expect some gaudy coloured front panels and enclosures in the future, or some very black ones.
I never cease to be amazed at how good an insulator just a bit of anodizing will turn a chunk of aluminium into. On the violet piece my Brymen pocket meter reads 000.0
when slapped across the unanodized margin of the hole. Placed across any of the anodized parts and it reads OverLoad. That's on what is just 20 um thick anodizing (in theory, by time*current*area product, not by physical measurement).