[HP 120B tubes]
Hmmm... looks like neither the 6DJ8 nor the 6AU6 are drop-in replacements for the 6U8 ! Grrrr Tek.
Downloaded datasheet for the 3 of them. 6U8 is a pentode + triode. 6AU6 is just a pentode, no triode in it. As for the 6DJ8, it's a double triode, no pentode.
Plus, the pinout is different anyway.
So no choice, I must BUY these bloody 6U8, three of them.
Just had a look on evil bay. Cheapest in Europe is 5 Euros + 2 Euros shipping for a single one, UNtested, just cross your fingers basically, but the guy pretends they come from the "good" stock of an ex professional. So they are likely to be good, but untested so no promises made. At least the guy is honest. So that would be 21 Euros this way :
https://www.ebay.fr/itm/323217546368OR, I found ads for a Russian equivalent tube, sold by a guy in Ukraine. dirt cheap, pack of 12 or 16 of them for 4 Euros, plus 8,8 Euros for shipping, so 12,8 Euros, almost half the price.
https://www.ebay.fr/itm/264170956927Ukraine is not part of Europe so if I am unlucky I will have to pay import taxes on the stuff. But even if I do, should be negligible : 20% VAT on 4 Euros is 80 cents, + eventually add a percentage for importation, but again no matter what that percentage is, it won't amount to much anyway.
So for 12 Euros it's worth trying to trust the Russian.... maybe they are actually equivalent to a 6U8, maybe the scope won't catch fire if I use these tubes, and maybe out of 16 tubes, I will find 3 tubes that actually work. I only need 3....
Found the problem in my tube spreadsheet : I did not goof anything... my mistake was to trust the service manual when putting together the list of tubes that my scopes were SUPPOSED to contain...
Parts list shows 11 tubes that got substituted starting from SN 4804. My two 515A are SN # 100719 and 100800. Leading digit being the plant code, SN are therefore 719 and 800... so supposed to be BEFORE the change point. "Supposed" to, supposed........ just.... " supposed "... hmmm..... Tek Tek Tek Tek...
Just updated my spreadsheet accordingly, hoping it's good now...