Sorry to interrupt with TEA stuff, I apologize in advance. Please don't shoot me down !
This is another sad TEA day for me. Just the other day I missed that fantastic deal on that old classic Tek scope, still crying about that.
Well today similar story : a 224 scope. Not a TDS224 (which I also would love, memory lane, but ridiculously priced so no thanks), but a 224.
That minuscule digital battery powered scopes. There is the low end 222 and the big brother 224.
They are quite rare, come up say once a year over here, always at silly prices.
Well a couple days ago this one popped-up : 222, no detail, not even powered up, ie dead I guess, for 270 Euros ! Good luck with that.
This evening, just checked, what do you know : ANOTHER of these, two in a row !!!
Except this time it's a 224 + there is something on the screen so it's at least alive to some extent + it's only 45 FREAKING EUROS ?!!!
Looked at the time stamp... was put on-line 24 Hours ago, didn't see it... of course it's already too late, sold ! NOOOOOOO!!!!! AGAIN !!!!! am cursed....
But, maybe a ray of light : today as well, I notice this thing : old tube HP scope, model 120B.. FOR FREE !!!
... the guy said he stole all the tubes from it, and is giving away the corpse...
Now I am not into HP scopes, I collect the classic Teks that's all, and that scope is useless as a scope. Even my crappiest Tek scope, the 310A, runs circles around that HP thing. It's only 450kHz bandwidth, and uses banana jacks as inputs... But, I like old HP Nixie counters, and that old scope has some nice industrial design as well, quite like it. Looks kinda cute, and is in good nick it seems. It kills me to think that it will end up in the landfill.
I just downloaded the service manual for it.. it's got 19 tubes in it. I can't afford to buy that many tubes to bring it back to life, would cost me as much my car, and even if I could buy al those tubes, I could not justify such an extravagant expense for such a low spec scope anyway...
BUT....It's free, it's cute, in good nick, it's a cool piece of HP history.. only 10 Euros to pay to get it (for shipping).... I just want to buy it somehow !!!
My cheap/affordable entry to vintage HP test gear, you gotta start somewhere !!!
Please tell me your thoughts... should I, or shouldn't I ??
At any rate, it's the first time I see a tube stealer that gives away the corpse instead of dumping it... so at least I can respect that guy to some extent.. tube stealer yes, but at least he is trying to get the corpse a good loving home.