Agilent E4411B Firmware UpgradeOK let's review this mess.
Trying to install the firmware for an Agilent E4411B that does not have the memory expansion. Current old version was A.05.01 (Sep 2000). The latest firmware that can be installed without the memory expansion was A.07.06 (Nov 2001). With the memory expansion I can install A.14.06.
I created the floppy set using my PC exactly as instructed by Agilent's directions (see attachment). I did a clean format for each disk. It did nothing because the 1st floppy that had the loading program (ESALOADR) was not being read by the E4411B.
After several more attempts I realized I had to go down the rabbit hole. What was wrong? Was the USB floppy bad? Was Windoze 10 making bad copies to the floppy? What phase is the Moon in? I copied some small files to the floppy and it performed flawlessly reading and writing. The files could also be copied onto the C: of the SA and renamed (more on that issue ...).
Doing more research on this I ran across this thread from Keysight -
Keysight help threadWhat? Format the disks on the SA and it fixes the issue?
I reformatted the disks on the SA but still had to get the files on them at the PC. So I did all that and it still wouldn't load and run ESALOADR !
What I wanted to try next was to keep all the file actions in the "ecosystem" of the SA. To do that, I had to get the ESALOADR onto the SA drive C: (so as to have the SA copy it onto the floppy). When I tried to copy that file - nothing happened. I find out that the SA file menu choices do not operate at all with files that
do not have an extension. It simply ignores them! OK, so back to the PC. I took the disk back and added an extension to the file name like this (so it would recognize it) -
After that, the SA copied the file to a TEMP Dir I made on it's C: drive. So I had ESALOADR.TXT loaded onto the system. However, it won't do squat that way. Has to be on a floppy disk. Next I re-formatted the floppy on the SA, and copied the file back to the floppy. Now to re-name the file ... oh nope ... it won't re-name a file to anything that
doesn't have an extension. In order to do that I'd have to go back out of the SA system. I didn't want to do that, so I thought, why not try it as-is and see what happens? Well I'll be damned if it didn't start loading/running ESALOADR.TXT!
So it seems, for some reason, writing ESALOADR to the floppy from the PC, even if the floppy is formatted on the SA, doesn't sit well. I do not know why. I have not found any other reference to this exact solution on the internet. I ordered the flash chips and memory stick and I plan to do the memory upgrade and get this beast all the way up to A.14.06 firmware. I'm putting that first floppy disk with ESALOADR.TXT in a safe place too!