Vince will be back but for now he's having too much fun in his own newly found rabbit hole.......fixing CD players !
He's getting some great knowledge passed on from Gyro and shakalnokturn whom are apparently quite experienced in venturing into that abyss.
I am back ! Spent 3 days catching up from page 3517 where I left 2 weeks ago
. Yep, was busy playing with vintage CD players and I don't give a toss what Mnem thinks of CDs.
I am done with CD players for now, I learned enough. I will try to sell those that can be sold, to recoup some of my money, and keep those I like for one reason or another. Those that are neither interesting nor economically fixable, will just salvage the electronics from, and ditch the cabinet.. to make some room.
REALLY need to hurry up and move my butt to work on the house ! Getting bored of sleeping in the living room, brushing my teeth and shaving in the kitchen, and living in a cluster fuck of a living room that's filled with CD players and tools and tube Tek scopes. Been this way for the past 15 months. Need to build the garage to store all that stuff away, and it's already late April so no more time to waste, time to rent an excavator, poor a few m3 worth of concrete, and pile up some concrete blocks !
So need to spend more time working on the house&garage and less time playing in the lab.
That means also taking a step back from TEA. So much traffic coupled with an astonishingly low SNR makes it hard to justify the time spent reading it. It's more of a random / general chat room than a TEA thread
If the random irrelevant chat could be taken to a new " TEA - random chat " sister thread to clean up massively the original TEA thread, that would be lovely... but this is not how TEA works it seems so I guess all that means is that I am not fit for TEA.
A TE addict I am, but looks like it takes more than that to survive on this thread...
Would probably still lurk in the background every now and then to keep an eye, or for the rare occasion where I might have a little something to contribute... but as for keeping up with daily traffic and trying not to miss any post or reply... it just does not seem feasible. Time is precious and not much of it. Maybe if I were unemployed or retired, but I am neither, and a house/garage to build to boot soooo...