Question: Tek Scopemeter THS 720A
any good ? Fair price ? Seller is asking 270€
Looks like most important topics were mentioned:
- UI is lame, and it's no fun having to use it
- Waveform update rate is lame, very small memory depth
+ At least it works without the battery (most probably the battery will be dead), battery can be replaced by homemade bodges (they use NiCd cells). Works with 15V/1A DC wallwart or power brick.
++ Isolated inputs (these come in handy sometimes)
- isolated inputs can be confusing sometimes, too
- Built-in multimeter is solala at best
- They tend to be overpriced on the bay
+ One can easily mod the 720A to make it believe it's a 720P (you get very lame power analysis) or 730B (you get 1GSample/s but not the 200MHz BW)
- I've seen aged units show some mysterious ripple on their traces (maybe / probably internal power supply involved)
270 EUR is on the lower end of price span I've seen
If you want isolated inputs and battery operation, lurk for a TPS20xx series model (beware these often are over 1000 EUR at the bay)
If you don't need isolated inputs, get a cheaper TDS220 or similar.
If you want it now, get it
Personal experience is involved.