Snagged this Telemeter LCR Databridge 6401 beast as consolation price, I was hoping for the HP from zhoffler, but it went for crazy money .
The UK fellas, do you know anything about it, any service manual ?
Used the AIM version of that one at work a lot, we never had any problems with it.
Now have two of the Racal 9343M versions from a member on the UK vintage radio forum, I believe he acquired them from the Ramco auctions a few years ago, they seem to have sold a fair amount recently too.
I've seen that the HW is different, 5 digits instead of 4, most likely the insides are different as well, so no (easy) 10KHz for me , but if you sometimes open one of them and make some nice detailed PCB pictures it will be great, also if you can read the EEPROMS it will be better, and perfect if you want to part of, or exchange one against his lower spec brother, you know, diversity is our strength .
I've never seen inside of one of these LCR bridges until now, the AIM 401 at work never had any problems & had cal seals so we had no good reason to be opening it up.
No longer have access to the stuff at work so would be interested in seeing a teardown of the 6401 version.
Insides of the 9343M (same as 451, 6451?) are quite different when compared with the service manual for the 9341 (same as 401, 6401 ?), also their seems to be a lack of service information for the 9343M versions.
Some teardown pictures from the one that is in use (other is in storage), the board is labelled as made by AIM & the EPROM has 6451 (the OEM model?) written on it and no I don't have anything here for reading programmed IC's.
Top half of the main board and nearby the Z80 one of the radial Philips caps has been replaced with an axial version.
PSU section with toroid transformer and linear regulators.
Lower half of the main board with four-connection test plates and most of the analog circuitry.
Trio of reference grade resistors.
The digital comms board in the sloping base section.
The only part that needed adjustment, this glued on piece had slid down slightly over the years, now moved back to where it should be.
Edit: the forgotten display board.
Even this has a couple of a extra spaces for LED's, must be another variant that uses those.
The back of the board gives no doubt that the OEM for these LCR data-bridges is AIM.
Probably need to sell the one in storage, as I have quite a few more LCR meters here, including the Wayne Kerr B900 that arrived recently.