Now, what was I saying before I was interrupted by someone sneeking off behind the generator shack for a quick fag? Oh yes, OCXOs.So, my batch from what turned into a distributed group purchase took 9 days door to door. Ordered two and like BD, got twice as many for my money.
Desoldering turned out to be relatively easy for a part on a 10 layer board - just desoldered each pin with Chem-Wik (that stuff's good) and went around the board with a small screwdriver for a lever and gave each pin a lift while heating it with the old Metcal. No application of 60/40, chip-qwik or anything similar needed.
All four survived the ordeal of having the board next to them violently cut and being desoldered. Here's how they all performed:
Sorry for the laziness of a screenshot, but converting to SMF's table notation is too much of a fag. Readings taken with my TTi TF930 that was last adjusted against GPS a year ago.
All with enough range left to be steerable to 10.000 000 00 MHz at an appropriate EFC voltage with room to spare for future ageing (
i.e. GPSDO fodder). None good enough to be used "out of the box" as a 10 MHz reference without trimming, unless you were more interested in stability than accuracy.
I tried a few random selections for stability, using another known good uncalibrated 10 MHz OCXO as reference input to the TF930, and they stayed stable at the limit of the counter's resolution (10 mHz or 1 ppb) for as long as I was prepared to wait - several hours in one case.
Conclusion: £13.90 well spent.