There are some rumors about the new AMD µP line, from what I heard AMD right now is like the italian porn actor "Rocco Siffredi" when he was 25 years old... is going to FUUU them all.
Apple M1 is still there. Intel RIP bye bye you miss the train.
Yeah they’re pushing 45W TDP laptops out which burn your dick off
. Rocco wouldn’t be happy about that
. AMD/Apple 15W.
Got to be honest though this i5-10400 desktop I just threw together is pretty good. Intel are still well placed on the desktop because there is stock, they are cheaper (!), have built in GPU which is good enough for most tasks other than games and aren’t crazy TDP (65W). Few observations comparing to my older Ryzen build:
1. Their power management is much much better. Suspend/resume is instant on this.
2. Boot up is much faster. Clean boot to login on this machine is 4 seconds.
3. Single core speed is about the same as a 3600.
4. Multi core ffmpeg compile in a VM is about the same as a 3600
5. Turned it on and it worked. No futzing or arguing with BIOS upgrades.
i5-10400 was £148. Ryzen 3600 is £179 here at the moment and I’d have to spend £50 on a shit GPU just to get it working. There are no Ryzen -G suffix parts available here at the moment.
Intel won this one. Probably because they have their own fabs more than anything.
Edit: attach inevitable build photos.