Thanks for your support guys.
Do you have enough income to pay rent/mortgage and food? If yes then that's all you need and the answer is "yes", buy the Keithley.
Dough is not really an issue. The kids don't need that much meat anyway.
If your current equipment satisfies your needs, then no.
That will leave money for all sorts of very different (and interesting) test equipment Start with being able to measure V-vs-t (scope), then V-vs-f (spectrum analyser), then f-vs-t (modulation domain analyser).
For that you will of course need accurate V, f, and t sources, heh heh heh. Plus accurate resistors and capacitors, heh heh heh.
For digital signals you will need a logic analyser and pattern generator.
BTW, welcome to the intermediate-level nuthouse. For serious nuts, head over to the voltnut and timenut mail lists.
Well my illness is deeper that you think.
Here is part of my TE status: HP 8568A Spectrum Analyser, HP 35665A Dynamic signal analyser, 2 x 34970A Data loggers, 2 x PM2535 Multimeters, Keithley 601 and 617 Electrometers, 224 Current source, SDS2104X Plus Oscilloscope.
My current interests are low level measurements and metrology but I end up buying and repairing TE most of the time.
Another question that I have is why is the 2001 still more expensive than the DMM7510?
And by the way what kind of support group are you? It's like encouraging an alcoholic to drink.