Keithley glue-fest finished.
Not pretty, but not as fugly as I expected it to turn out. At least the bloody handle isn't going to break again any time soon.
Do you apply epoxy before and after you put the tape?
Well, with this little wrapping repair the sequence is slightly abnormal. Normally you'd just wet out the tape with resin and then consolidate it in-situ on the part. Because of the tight compound curves there was a lot of moulding it to fit with a rubber gloved hand, then waiting for the resin to get a bit stiffer, moulding it again, wait for stiffening. moulding again, and so on until it was all tacky enough to stay properly in place on its own. That repeated shoving around left the surface of the resin looking a total mess, so when I did the side arm I gave the two fully cured corners a top coat of resin just for cosmetic purposes.
For the side arm I just wetted out a bit of CF ribbon, wrapped it around the arm and then wrapped that in some baking parchment as release film (glossy PET film would have been better as a release layer but I have none currently) and clamped it to keep the whole bundle tight. The baking parchment leaves a flat matt finish which I'm fine with, but if I'd wanted a glossy finish I could have over coated that with a little fresh resin (or obviously used a glossy release film).
I had tacked the very first edge of the ribbon for the side in place beforehand as I had ribbon and resin to hand when I was doing the awkward front bits. It's not necessary but does make getting a tight, well consolidated wrap a bit easier.
Frankly it's all a bit "how ya doin'" compared to how I'd do it if I was laying up CF, fibreglass or Kevlar to actually make a proper part. But it gets the job done and produces a strong repair which was my principal concern here.