I blame my very very rusty German translation non skills. I read it as included. If that is the case really strange to split them
I'm always suspicious when the seller says he doesn't know enough about the device to tell if it's working, but does seem to know enough to disassemble it and sell them separately.
Yes, IMO they try to make more money by selling two items. I've known a seller who did this for model aircraft stuff (e.g. selling the model and the motor separately). I don't by from such sellers.
Agreed on the principle for consumer electronics; the thrift stores around here do that with the power packs & cords and it is infuriating to find a neato bit of gear and not be able to power it up.
Not so much in the specific case of RC models. Most RC model hobbyists, aviation or otherwise, that I know prefer to choose their own motor(s) for a build, not what someone else threw on there and didn't like or couldn't make it fly/drive right. When you buy a model kit new, you expect to buy the motor separately (Aside from entry-level ARF/ARD kits). I see no reason to expect it to be thrown in for a used model.
I don't consider any unknown motor(s) to be a "value added" prospect... with very few exceptions, the prices of such combos are considerably more than the value of the used model alone, unless the motor(s) is/are described as blown up and they're thrown in for the cost of freight.