Oh joy got another fecking ebay scammer problem.
Sent a Lenovo mini PC to someone via Hermes. Arrived apparently in a blue plastic bag at the neighbours with a different declared weight. Place your bets:
1. This is a lie and the buyer wants something for free (he already low balled offers several times on the item)
2. Hermes stole it
3. His neighbour stole it.
Any way this works out another £120 down the shitter probably.
I am no longer selling on ebay after this. It's a shit show.
I did read all the responses to this and have to agree with Specmaster, don't let the buggers get away with it.
On the latest one if you have a "signature equivilent" delivery confirmation from Hermes (you did pay for a signature I hope) then as far as ebay and PayPal are concerned you have fullfilled your responsibilies and they will not accept a claim fr non delivery. Up to buyer to chase with Hermes. You might get negative feedback but don't sweat it.
I only deal directly with the carrier, mostly Hemes or Post Office. People like paclink are a watse of time if anything goes wong because you have no contract with the at fault company.
Years ago, pre-PayPal I had customer take out a small claims court case over a Argon-ion laser I sold on ebay no returns or warranty. long story short he picked it up, saw it working and then 3 weeks later said it never worked. Probably thought I fold at the sight of court paperwork. I didn't and it went to hearing, local to me as defendant. Buyer didn't turn up and lost by default. Judge said he would have lost anyway.
There is a bloke on some Groups IO TE groups who admits to looking for badly described items, buying them, claiming not as described and getting refunds while keeping the item (mostly from far east). In my mind that's fraud. There are people out there taking advantage but we can't just give up.