The journalist seems to suggest a lack of snow for the Western parts of Scotland is to blame.
Area commander Bruce Farquharson said: "There may have been a lot of snow in the eastern and central areas of Scotland, but that is not the case in the western coastal areas and fuel conditions are very different.
That's definitely reading in something that wasn't said. If you want to draw an inference from that it would be the Western Isles haven't had a
lot of snow compared to the parts of Scotland that have had a
lot of snow. He's not implying that they have had
none. It's a question of what a local would regard as a lot of snow, and for the Western Isles I suspect the concept of 'a lot of snow' is that you're wading through it.
The Met Office website is crap nowadays and only goes back 24 hours for observations (one used to be able to see a lot more) or else we'd be able to objectively see exactly what the last couple of week's weather has been there. Given the current weather (-23.5ºC overnight in central Northern Scotland) I'd expect that there's standing snow almost everywhere in the North and West Scotland at the moment, looking at the live visible light Meteosat pictures seems to confirm that supposition.