Because our society will take (some) care of us in any case and if not obligatory man would be too dumb to save and some would take advantage.
I would have prefer the choice:"if you are too dumb, please sign here"
The point of Social Security was not to force people to save for their retirement; it
was instituted with the notion that an employer had an obligation to his employees aside from just the hard-fought wages, but also to make a better world for the employee as well. The concept was always that the employer matched what the employee paid into the system, such that there was a cooperative effort towards real SOCIAL SECURITY.
Of course, those same bastards who've been fuckerizing the minimum wage for my entire lifetime also couldn't be satisfied with just creating a wage slavery economy; they had to make sure that pittance they paid into SS was either subsidized by loss of other compensation or outright raping SS itself.
The motherfuckers who're telling you SS is bankrupt are liars;
they are an always have been after one thing: a chance to steal that one last remaining reserve of solvent cash left in the Ponzi Scheme known as Supply-Side Economics.
If you've only ever worked as an "Independent Contractor" you wouldn't know this... that whole class of job disopportunity was created by those bastards as an end run around this institution. People don't realize when they take that "job" that
they are legally taking on the fiscal responsibility of both the employee and the employer... and therefore
it is their obligation as their own employer to match what the employee pays into the system.