Oh, nice, lunch break is announced for 12:30 (but still discussed if 12:15 or 12:45 would be more appropriate)
There was an episode of the Avengers
(This Avengers, not the Marvel
everybody wearing their underpants on the outside Avengers. Proper heroes have an account with a Saville Row tailors, not a lingerie shop.)
where a heist was set up at the Avengers' version of GCHQ. One of the plot devices was a tape recording that could be played to people who'd be knocked out with that archetypal 1960s plot device, sleeping gas. The tape kept people 'under', made them ignore what was going on around them, and convinced people that they'd had a normal, complete day at work when they finally came around again.
What I don't know is whether you
need a copy of that tape recording to allow you to walk away from your
Teams meeting, or whether you should
make a tape recording of your
Teams meeting to use to hypnotise your colleagues anytime you fancy a day off, or indeed, to raid a super-secret cypher facility.