A rather nice waveform from inside an HP5315, plus an amusing explanation of what it means: https://groups.io/g/HP-Agilent-Keysight-equipment/message/113099
Without having read the explanation I recognize the foul language of Mordor where ever I see it ...
"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul"
One Scope to rule them all, One Scope to find them,
One Scope to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
Bear in mind it is an HPAK group. The explanation starts "It is the language of Tektronix scope hoarders, which I will not utter here. Loosely translated, it reads, ..." where the ... is more TEA-related than your translation.
I'm a Tek Hoarder and I have no clue as to what is going on here. Maybe I don't want to know.
This whole exchange makes me wonder... is there some genetic tendency to loathe clicking on links in a post... or perhaps tendency towards selective blindness that one does not see them at all... which is endemic to the specific breed of geek who frequent these sorts of technically-oriented user groups?
This is by far not the first time I've seen multiple posts and exchanges speculating on the content of something...
which is instantly clarified by clicking on a link provided with that thing people are speculating on...
IME, this affliction seems to strike the species of
geek/nerd/born with the knack user who frequent memespaces like eevBlog with unerring accuracy.